Thanks for your support during the 3D Virtual Tabletop Kickstarter, pushing it to be funded to 1,100% of our initial goal. The real highlight for me was talking to people in the last 24 hours, getting to know the community. Not only did players and GMs rally around, but publishers and artists also got involved, so many thanks to Adventure-A-Week, Alyssa Faden, Battle! Studio, Darkraven Games, Dramascape, Frog God Games, The Game Mechanics, Kaitlynn Peavler, Kobold Press, Legendary Games, Lord Zsezse Works, Mayhem in Paper, Modiphius Entertainment, and Wayne Reynolds.
Now it’s time to let you know how you’ll be getting the goods from the Kickstarter. I’ll be using Backer Kit to manage the add-ons. They recommend waiting 2 weeks before getting info from backers to ensure that all payments have gone through. I’m still getting a few payments trickling through so in about a week I’ll be starting things up with Backer Kit. You’ll be able to choose the add-ons that you pledged for and also purchase any additional ones that you want. If you’re having any trouble with Amazon payments for this Kickstarter you can pay directly with PayPal to Use the same email for PayPal as you do with Kickstarter and I’ll be able to match it up with what you pledged.
If you missed out on the Kickstarter completely you can make a late pledge for a limited time to get in on the action. Visit the Late Pledge Page and you can still get the great deals and exclusive offers via PayPal. I’ve been in the position before where I only found out about an awesome Kickstarter after it had ended, or went back to pledge only to find out that it had already finished, so I know what its like to want to give something and not be able to. People have already taken advantage of this opportunity so I’ll keep it going for a while longer.
The delivery date on each Kickstarter reward is for the initial $5,000 version. Immediate access will be available in October, early access in November, and the public release in December. New releases will be made rapidly after that as each stretch goal is finished. Immediate access backers will be able to experience them as they are implemented, and early access backers will get them 4 weeks before the general public. The subscription that you get with a reward begins with the public release in December.
The immediate access version will first be available on iPad & iPhone, then Android, then Web Browser. Since the Kickstarter campaign was run in the middle of a software development cycle, the immediate access version will be updated frequently after it is initially made available so that it begins to work properly.
My focus now and in the months to come is on turning 3D Virtual Tabletop into the amazing app that we all know it can be. The enthusiasm I’ve had from gamers is heartwarming, you’re obviously as keen to see this happen as I am. Thanks for your support on the journey.